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Finding Time - The Rhythm of our Routines

  Earlier this year I was offered a generous invitation to join Susan McKay, from the Studio for Playful Inquiry team, in an hour of dialogue on the concept of Rhythm. Our conversation was adventurous and free flowing, laced with stories to share with colleagues who were able to tune-in in real time, and recorded for colleagues in other timezones to v iew later. As a long-time fan of the work of Susan, and her colleague Matt Karlsen, I naturally jumped at the opportunity to share some thinking with them again.  Over the past few years, we have been fortunate to share some conversations - discussions that attempt to nudge boundaries of what is possible in young children's educational programs. Despite the time that had passed since our last connection and the great geographical distance between us, this conversation felt as if no time had passed - we were together again, effortlessly in our own rhythm, thinking and chatting together in pedagogical companionship. Having ‘pedago

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